Document collaboration for Retail

Retail Food Shop

Streamline your document sharing and collaboration workflows across all channels. Make it easy for central headquarters to collaborate with distribution, local shops, suppliers, and subcontractors. Instantly share files across all locations to smooth out workflows with your sales points.

Distribution Platform For Your Internal Data

Central Business Units can easily distribute sales reports, marketing and communication material, planning and all types of internal resources to their network of shops and partners, with a high level of security.

Pydio allows you to preview most of the common file formats directly on the platform: office documents, text, images, videos, and virtually any other file type you need to share.

Intuitive user interface makes it really easy for each of your collaborators to handle Pydio.

Increase Workforce Productivity

Pydio Cells iOS & Android apps provide your collaborators access to their files on the go, whether it is on their tablet or on their smartphone.

Workers in the field can easily shot and upload photos of products, promotions, or displays to dedicated folders.

Enrich documents using metadata. Whether it is sales reports or marketing materials, collaborators can easily find and access the latest versions of the relevant documentation when they need to!

Powerful Admin Tools Put You in Control

Even with hundreds of collaborators split in various locations, Pydio makes it easy to manage access permissions of thousands of files and folders. Import all users and groups automatically from existing LDAP / AD directories.

Pydio provides a powerful Administration Dashboard to enforce your company security rules. Assign rights at an individual level, create groups, or define roles that apply to a transverse type of users.

Secure By Design

Check and monitor the usage flow on the platform, automatically sort documents by revision date, receive email notifications regarding content changes, and assign access level rights on a a file-by-file basis.

Control where your data is stored and benefit from security features such as data encryption, intrusion prevention (you can interrupt any suspicious session), access-rights management (password protected shares)

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