Certification of business continuity plan

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What is the Business Continuity Strengthening Plan?

This is a system in which the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry certifies plans for disaster prevention and mitigation measures developed by small and medium-sized enterprises as “plans for strengthening business continuity.”

Certified small and medium-sized enterprises can receive support measures such as tax measures, financial support, and additional subsidies. Examples of items to be included in the plan are as follows.

  • How to confirm natural disaster risks using hazard maps, etc.
  • Procedures for initial response in the event of a disaster, including safety confirmation and evacuation methods
  • Specific advance measures for securing personnel, protecting buildings and equipment, cash flow measures, and information protection.
  • Efforts to ensure the feasibility of strengthening business continuity, such as conducting training and reviewing plans, etc.

Business Continuity Strengthening Plan Site: https://www.chusho.meti.go.jp/keiei/antei/bousai/keizokuryoku.htm 

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